I’ve always been unconventional. My parents had always encouraged unicity. I’ve got tattoos and piercings all over my body, I smoke, I’m not afraid to speak my mind … When I was younger and even til today, people would be annoyed by my behavior and try to criticize me or blackmail me of telling my parents what I am doing, not knowing that they are already fully aware of everything I am ! They’ve always given me and my siblings a lot of freedom.
“Nappy Movement”
I watch the nappy movement with a lot of detachment. My hair has always been natural, I never ever used relaxer so to me there is nothing new. When I reached high school, I started wearing weaves, people used to say that it looks more groomed, more neat. As if my hair in its natural state was neglected.
I remember my school mates asking me if the weave was actually my real hair and me telling them the truth. Then one black girl summoned me, ‘Girl why are you raining on my parade? I’ve been telling everyone that every bit of my hair was real! What am I supposed to do now?’
Anyway, I have a very sensitive scalp so I quickly gave up on the weaves and have remained natural since then.

Travel Love
My dad has always been a traveler, he traveled the world at a very young age, I guess that’s where I got my love for traveling from.
Humanitarian Journey
Growing up, my siblings and I were taught that it is of our duty to help others. That’s what I’m trying to do with my association, Travel and Humanitary. My aim is to help women in Africa developing small businesses and being autonomous. I’m going to Democratic Republic of Congo in a few weeks, to work with Denis Mukwege’s association. Dr. Mukwege is internationally known as the man who repairs these thousands of women raped during 20 years of conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. I will be there for one month and can’t wait to go.
– Thanya, 27, based in Paris, born from Congolese parents